thank you so much for this!!! i have been legitimately feeling this about facetimes and zoom so hard and didn’t know how exactly to put it into words without sounding like a jerk to friends or not like myself, a classic extrovert. love reading your newsletter and really do look forward to your take if that helps lower the barrier to entry at all!! thank you so much for all you do!

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thank you SO much for reading and jeez, this was such a needed boost. thank you

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it sometimes feels like the conversations you'd have with someone at TJ, cvs, or getting takeout are also gone out of fear during this pandemic, which is probably the hardest thing to deal with when your serotonin for the day is the small talk you have with people passing by in your life. thank you for this - perfectly summing up what so many of us are feeling right now.

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thank *you* my lovely friend. so true, i wonder why grocery stores are so quiet right now. but thankful for the one person who screamed "YOU GOT TOILET PAPER CONGRATULATIONS" when i was walking home from the grocery store with, indeed, toilet paper

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natasha, you are so good at writing what you feel. even if you feel not so good. especially then. p.s. my trash guy and I had a long conversation last week, which was helped by the fact we have several connections. Still, it was more real face time than with just about anybody except my immediate family.

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that is so kind, professor! also, that detail makes happy and gives me hope.

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