you’re not behind in all of your friendships, you’re just evolving to a place where you set your own boundaries
how working in a creative field, but not innovating on pace or cadence of output can be extremely stifling. publishing a story once a day isn’t just about burn out, it’s about limiting yourself to even have time to think bigger than something that you have to turn around in one week. there’s only so much you can write if you have 5 days, so breaking that cycle of thinking in days versus weeks versus months is key to challenging yourself as a writer.
warm salads and the art of refreshing a day-old soup
how easy it is to give and take permission to pursue the things you thought had far higher boundaries
context switching is a real, tiring thing we all should stop assuming we’re good at. it’s okay if your mind doesn’t have enough real estate today.
how i never knew that being in a dream of a relationship would make me a more independent person. why the overlap of finding my soulmate and embracing myself doesn’t feel like a coincidence
loving yourself in the present is harder than constantly telling yourself that you’re heading toward a better version of yourself: you are the one you’ve been waiting for
why it’s okay to slow down on drinking and partying in your 20s, even if you thought these were the years reserved for that sort of thing. why you can have a different definition of indulgence
letting yourself love loose clothes after always wanting to look the smallest you could
realizing that toxic isn’t a simple title to place on the past, but one that, once articulated, has a long-release of unlearning from your present.
how to identify non-obvious exhaustion
why it’s okay that you used to be the planner and aren’t anymore, probably because of non-obvious exhaustion. how to figure out what you are next.
changing your mind about something
the good and bad of what happens when the thing you’re the most passionate about becomes your job
the most inspiring people i’ve met but know the least about
i would for def read at least 5 of these. Get well soon, girlie!
Thanks Nat.. you keep getting bigger & better!